Bidding activity, at least measured by the construction reports, has slowed somewhat since February/March. This is something akin to what happened last spring (and last fall), which took a lot of wind out of the sails for the construction market. It’s possible that the instability of the new administration has made owners cautious, after the optimism from the election faded; however, the more likely explanation is simply that architects haven’t been able to produce bidding documents after the flurry a couple months ago. That’s a more optimistic theory anyway.
Start activity hasn’t seen the same lull. Mosites Construction was awarded the $30.3 million Liberty Tunnel Phase 5. Burchick Construction was awarded a contract for $2.4 million in exterior renovations to UPMC Heritage Place. East Liberty Presbyterian Church selected Landau Building Co. for its $5 million renovation. In the bid market, Bechtel is taking design/build proposals for the railroad buildings at the Shell site from Mascaro/Trumbull Energy, Fay, Turner and a couple of out-of-town contractors. Burchick, Al. Neyer and Franjo are putting in design/build proposals for Oxford Development’s second building at 250 Industry Drive, a 44,000 square foot flex building.