Earlier this afternoon UPMC announced its own major capital program. The centerpiece of the $2 billion expansion will be the UPMC Heart and Transplant Hospital at Presbyterian, a 620-bed, 940,000 sq. ft. tower in the heart of Oakland, which could run $1 billion or more. UPMC also announced an expansion of the Hillman Cancer Center at UPMC Shadyside. That will be a 240,000 sq. ft. patient tower and 160,000 sq. ft. outpatient facility, likely a $250-300 million project. The final project announced was the UPMC Vision & Rehabilitation Hospital at Mercy, a 300,000 sq. ft., $200 million new facility. IKM, CJL Engineering and Mascaro Construction are reported to be working on the design/constructibility of this hospital. These projects are in addition to the $200 million+/- UPMC South Hills facility and the expansion of Children’s Hospital, neither of which has timetables announced.
What wasn’t announced was a renovation of the Ford Motor Building in Shadyside, which the Post-Gazette and Business Times reported as part of UPMC’s plan earlier this week. That building is not part of UPMC’s plan but is being studied by the University of Pittsburgh for possible use.

Coupled with AHN’s announcements, the boom in healthcare construction means that there will likely be at least 4 hospital projects – and as many as 6 – over $150-200 million under construction in 2019.
1B is huge building
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You damn skippy it is. That’s a lot of curtain wall.